Monday, August 30, 2010
Malaysia Merdeka???
Negaraku MERDEKA...
Sayup sayup kedengaran...
suara suara pelbagai reaksi...
Apakah ini suara yang menuntut kemerdekaan???
pahit getir perjalanan sebelum 1957...
Adakah kita lupa perjuangan sebenar...
Adakah aku anak MALAYSIA???
Apa yang aku tau tentang kemerdekaan...
Apa yang kamu semua tau tentang kemerdekaan...
Apakah maksud MERDEKA???
Adakah kita bebas dari penjajah...
Ataupun negara kita masih di jajah...
Adakah benar MALAYSIA sudah MERDEKA???
Hanya nama tersergam indah di persada dunia...
Kemerdekaan masih belum bebas sepenuhnya...
Berfikirlah wahai anak sebangsa...
Renungkanlah erti MERDEKA...
Adakah kita MERDEKA dari bebas di jajah
atau MERDEKA dari diri sendiri
atau memerdeka kan negara MALAYSIA...
Hasil Nukilan,
Affie Ramli.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Apa kelebihannya???
Teringat seketika dulu 12tahun yang lepas...
Semuanya nak belajar tapi xtau nak pilih yg mana satu...
Nasib baiklah aku berfikir dulu sebelum buat keputusan kalau tidak mesti padah akan menimpa...
Kenapa yea? Yealah kalau salah pembawakan diri sendiri yang akan merana bukan main2 benda nie walaupun nampak biasa...
Ilmu persilatan nie akan jadi sebati dalam jiwa raga kita...
Alhamdulillah aku memilih Gayung Fatani sebagai pertahanan diri ku...
Pergerakan nya menarik minat ku kerana guru yang mengajar mengikut cara lama...
Lebih menarik cara permainan nya bak kata orang nie silat untuk orang kahwin... haha
Apapun banyak yang tersurat dan tersirat dalam pergerakan...
Segala kunci mati ada cara nak di bukanya itulah kelebihan Gayung Fatani...
Gayanya nampak lembut tapi amat mendalam kesannya...
Tiada memuja orang atau pun binatang atau rasukan dalam pembelajaran hanya menggunakan ayat Al-Quran...
Seronok berlatih kat gelanggang surau au2 keramat...
Bila kenang kembali tak sabar rasanya nak turun lagi gelanggang...
Tapi guru dah berpindah duduk Kajang tak dapatlah tunaikan hasrat...
Setelah tamat belajar siap buka gelanggang sendiri dan mengajar budak... hehe
Walaupun dah 12tahun berlalu memori ku tetap bersama...
Awal tahun ni aku terasa ingin mencari guru dan kawan2 seperguruan untuk turun gelanggang tapi hampa kerana tak jumpa seorang pun... huhu
Tapi semalam mungkin tuhan nak temukan jodoh kembali, aku ternampak gambar orang bersilat dalam FB rupanya kwn2 silat aku dah mula turun balik gelanggang.. hehe
Semangat yang membara untuk turun ke gelanggang dah muncul kembali...
Aku akan bersama korang tak lama lagi...
Inilah dunia pendekar Silat Gayung Fatani...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Belive me??? :-(
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing em
I'm just saying
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey
I used have a little bit of a plan
Used to
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don't really even know who I am
Yo, what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one else is around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
Do what i have to do
You're on your own now believe me
What ever happens to you
You're on your own now believe me
What do I have to say
You're on your own now believe me
It's not gonna happen with me
You're on your own now believe me
No one believe me...
No one trust me...
No one recognize me...
No one understand me...
No one help me...
No one be there for me...
Only one in my heart but is SHE the one believe me???
No one knows...
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim...
Wish to get someone to believe me in this world and in heavan... Amin
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Ohh I see... OIC ( Muslims Big )
Syukur Alhamdulillah...
Aku bersyukur pada Allah kerana di beri rezeki yg lebih pada hari nie...
3hari mencuba benda yg baru dalam hidup ku...
Berniaga baju perempuan di exhibition Muslims Big...
Wow biar benar yea...
Boleh ker jual baju nie???
Nasib baik lah ada Cik Rynna kita yg membantu...
My lovely Princess in my heart...
Anyway i gain a lot experience in this exhibition...
All thing i have done is last minute decision...
Crazy betullah...
Ada ker lagie 1hari nak exhibition xde barang yg nak di jual!!!
Harapkan pertolongan dari kawan2???
Hampeh semua janji tinggal janji...
Nasib baik lah ada satu hamba nie yg sudi membantu...
Tapi yg peliknya bkn bangsa kita tpi bangsa lain (xperlu sebut bangsa apa)...
Person that i never know or meet or someone stranger...
Helping me to give a good deal with his cloth...
Syukur Alhamdulillah again...
A thousand thanks for helping me...
This is my booth looks alike... hehe
First Day Exhibition...
Hari yg amat di tunggu tpi berakhir dgn kehampaan...
Naper yea..
Apa sebabnyer???
Banyak berkemungkinan dan keberangkalian... hmmmmm
Firstly a wrong timing coz its school holiday...
Too many exhibition going on..
Very little promotion and bad marketing...
Wrong consultant to organize this event...
Everything totally mess up...
Kesudahannya xde org yg datang cuma exhibitor yg ramai meninjau...
Sales pun kosong... 0 ... huhu
Second Day Exhibition
Dah masuk hari ke dua pagi lengang tpi tghari dah mula nampak org masuk...
Harap2 adalah lah rezeki hari nie...
Pecah telor??? yea yea...
Ada org dah mula beli...
Syukur pdmu Ya Allah...
Petang kembali hambar...
Xpelah walau pun jualan dalam rm600 lebih tapi aku amat bersyukur...
Last Day Exhibition
Pukul 9pagi dah sampai...
Bersemangat utk meningkatkn jualan... hehe
Seperti biasa di temani Princess...
Orang mula membeli dan cuba mendapatkn jualan lebih dri semalam...
Hari nie exhibition tutup pkl 6 xbnyk masa plak...
Kerja keras meyakinkan sesiapa saja yg bertanya tentang baju...
Akhirnya kami berjaya meningkatkan jualan ke rm1000 lebih...
Syukur padamu Ya Allah..
Walau apapun yang berlaku kita mesti bersyukur dan bernekad utk membuat
sesuatu, Insyallah Allah akan sentiasa membantu hambanya...
Tak kira dari bangsa apapun bantuan tu dtg kerana ia tetap hamba Allah dan kita
patut bersyukur n berterima kasih padanya...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rahsia Rezeki...
Doa Murah Rezeki
Ya Allah, kau turunkanlah yang ada dilangit...
Ya Allah, kau keluarkan rezeki yang ada di perut bumi,
Ya Allah kau dekatkan rezekiku yang ada disekelilingku....
Dan baca doa seribu dinar...
Insyaallah kita takkan papa selamanya...
Petua Murah Rezeki
Semua orang mahukan rezeki yang banyak, mudah, berkat serta makmur...
Dalam pekerjaan kita seharian mencari rezeki, mestilah sentiasa niatkan dalam hati supaya Allah mengurniakn kita dengan rezeki yang halal, berkat, mudah serta luas... Sebelum kita turun dari rumah menuju ke tempat kerja atau sebelum memulakan pekerjaan, mulakanlah dengan bismillah...
Selain melakukan pekejaan yang halal menurut hukum syarak, hendaklah kita melakukan pekerjaan dengan tekun dan bertanggungjawab, menepati masa (jika bekerja dengan majikan), dan jangan mengabaikan solat bila sudah masuk waktu solat...
Mestilah bersegera menunaikannya barulah Allah menyegerakan sampainya rezeki...
Satu perkara lagi, jangan mengamalkan tabiat mengeluh jika ada sesuatu kesukaran dan kepayahan, kerana itu adalah ujian dari Allah untuk meneguhkan jiwa kita...
Jika kita mengeluh, maka adalah seolah-olah kita menganggap apa yang Allah takdirkan untuk kita itu tidak betul...
Itu menunjukkan kita tidak redha dengan Allah...
Bagaimana kita nak harapkan keredhaan Allah dan doa kita makbul sedangkan kita tidak redha pada ketentuan Allah!!!
Sebelum kita meminta apa-apa dari Allah, terlebih dahulu kita hendaklah bersikap syukur dengan apa-apa yang telah kita terima sebelum ini seperti udara, air, makan minum, pakaian, rumah, keluarga dan sebagainya...
Kemudian barulah kita berniat untuk mendapat apa-apa tambahan dari Allah.
Walaubagaimanapun, disini ada beberapa petua untuk diamalkan supaya kita dapat murah rezeki, kalau bekerja lekas naik pangkat, kalau berniaga dapat untung yang banyak...
1. Bangun awal pagi sebelum masuk waktu subuh...
2. Amalkan solat sunat qobliyah subuh (2rakaat sunat sebelum solat fardhu subuh)
3. Jangan abaikan solat wajib 5 waktu tidak ketinggalan solat jumaat...
(Zaman sekarang ni ramai yang gagal dalam hal solat jumaat. Tidak elok begitu, bukankah antara perkara yang digeruni orang kafir ialah bila melihat orang Islam berkumpul setiap minggu untuk bersolat jumaat. Tentulah ada sesuatu hikmat besar dalam solat jumaat)
4.Amalkan membaca ayat yang dikenali sebagai Ayat 1000 Dinar setiap kali selepas solat fardhu, sebelum pergi ke pejabat atau tempat kerja, dan sebelum tidur. Bacalah sebanyak 3 atau 5 atau 7 kali. Hanya orang-orang yang mengamalkannya yang dapat memperihalkan kemujaraban ayat ini. Subhanallah...
5. Mengeluarkan zakat serta bersedekah kepada fakir miskin...
6. Menjaga makan minum supaya jangan bercampur dari sumber yang haram dan syubhat, agar doa mudah dikabulkan Allah...
7. Sentiasa berterima kasih pada Allah atas apa-apa yang kita miliki. Sesiapa yang bersyukur nescaya Allah tambahkan lagi nikmat (sesiapa yang kufur nescaya azab pedih menanti di alam kubur)
8.Sebelum tidur selepas membaca doa (doa sebelum tidur), berbicaralah
dalam hati: Ya Allah, terima kasih atas segala kurnia Mu hari ini, makan, minum, pakaian, pekerjaan, keselamatan dan semua nikmat yang tidak dapat ku hitung. Kumohon agar Engkau menambahkan lagi kenikmatan itu besok hari dan kumohon maafkanlah segala dosa-dosaku...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sepanyol, Spanyol, Spain... Champion
Spain Football History...
Football is the most popular sport in Spain. The Real Federación Española de Fútbol is the national governing body and it organizes La Liga, the Copa del Rey and the Spain national football team. Modern football was introduced to Spain in the late 1800s by a combination of mostly British immigrant workers, visiting sailors and Spanish students returning from Britain.
The oldest football club in Spain is Huelva Recreation Club, formed on December 23 1889 by Dr. Alexander Mackay and British workers employed by the Rio Tinto Company. Although Gimnàstic de Tarragona was formed in 1886 and Sevilla FC in 1890, the clubs did not form an actual football team until 1914 and 1905, respectively. The first official football game played in Spain took place in Seville on March 8, 1890 at the Tablada Hippodrome. Huelva Recreation Club played against Sevilla FC , a team made up of workers from the Seville Water Works. With the exception of two Spanish players on the Huelva team, all the players on both teams were British. This is the reason why the team is called Sevilla FC (football club) and not Sevilla CF (club de fútbol, in Spanish correct way). The Seville team won 2-0.
In the Basque Country during the early 1890s, British shipyard workers and miners formed Bilbao Football Club and Basque students returning from Britain founded the Athletic Club in 1898. This early British influence was reflected in the use of English names such as Recreation Club, Athletic Club and Football Club.
Barcelona and Real Madrid are the most successful Spanish clubs, in both the national league and continental competitions. They have won a combined 12 European Cups/Champions League titles and were runners-up 3 times each. Real Madrid is the most successful in Europe, having won it a record 9 times and the Europe Cup twice, while FC Barcelona was the only team to achieve a Sextuple, in the year 2009. In La Liga's 80-year history (sans the 3 seasons that the league was suspended due to the civil war), Barça and Real Madrid have won 50 titles between them. Over the years, Spanish clubs have won the Europe Cup Winners' Cup 7 times and Europe Cup 5 times.
Uniform kit...
Spain's traditional kit is a red jersey with yellow trim accompanied by dark blue shorts and socks while their traditional away kit is either a full white kit with red and yellow trim or a yellow jersey with dark blue shorts and socks. Their current home kit is a lighter red than usual along with light blue shorts and red socks, similar to the older 2006 kit. A third kit is sometimes used and is usually blue with red and yellow trim (used currently as change kit). Spain's kit is currently designed by Adidas. Rather than displaying the logo of the Spanish football federation, Spain's jersey traditionally features the Coat of arms of Spain over the left breast.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
World Cup 2010 : Support Team or Player ???
The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the 19th FIFA World Cup, the premier international football tournament. It is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa. The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the culmination of a qualification process that began in August 2007 and involved 204 of the 208 FIFA national teams. As such, it matches the 2008 Summer Olympics as the sports event with the most competing nations.
This will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by an African nation, after South Africa beat Morocco and Egypt in an all-African bidding process. This decision left the Oceania Football Confederation as the only confederation yet to host the FIFA World Cup. Italy are the defending champions. The draw for the finals took place on 4 December 2009 in Cape Town.
List of qualified teams
The following 32 teams qualified for the final tournament.
AFC (4)
* Australia
* Japan
* Korea DPR
* Korea Republic
CAF (6)
* Algeria
* Cameroon
* Côte d'Ivoire
* Ghana
* Nigeria
* South Africa (hosts)
* Honduras
* Mexico
* United States
* Argentina
* Brazil
* Chile
* Paraguay
* Uruguay
OFC (1)
* New Zealand
UEFA (13)
* Denmark
* England
* France
* Germany
* Greece
* Italy
* Netherlands
* Portugal
* Serbia
* Slovakia
* Slovenia
* Spain
* Switzerland
Which team i should support for this World Cup 2010???
Mostly all my friends will support their favorite player rather choose from a team football countries...
Why this should happen?
We must choose the strongest, skill full, technical, strategy of the team not just a favorite player...
Last few years i choose Germany as my Idol because their have good team in all site but this year i think Spain is the strongest team player that we can imagine...
Current SPAIN Squad...
The following players were named in the 23-men squad to travel to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in June...
(Goals) Goalkeepers
1 Iker Casillas (captain) 20 May 1981 (age 29) Real Madrid
13 Víctor Valdés 14 January 1982 (age 28) Barcelona
23 Pepe Reina 31 August 1982 (age 27) Liverpool
2 Álvaro Arbeloa 17 January 1983 (age 27) Real Madrid
3 Gerard Piqué 2 February 1987 (age 23) Barcelona
4 Carlos Marchena 31 July 1979 (age 30) Valencia
5 Carles Puyol (vice-captain) 13 April 1978 (age 32) Barcelona
11 Joan Capdevila 3 February 1978 (age 32) Villarreal
15 Sergio Ramos 30 March 1986 (age 24) Real Madrid
18 Raúl Albiol 4 September 1985 (age 24) Real Madrid
6 Andrés Iniesta 11 May 1984 (age 26) Barcelona
8 Xavi Hernández 25 January 1980 (age 30) Barcelona
10 Cesc Fàbregas 4 May 1987 (age 23) Arsenal
12 Javi Martínez 2 September 1988 (age 21) Athletic Bilbao
14 Xabi Alonso 25 November 1981 (age 28) Real Madrid
16 Sergio Busquets 16 July 1988 (age 21) Barcelona
7 David Villa 3 December 1981 (age 28) Barcelona
9 Fernando Torres 20 March 1984 (age 26) Liverpool
17 Pedro Rodríguez 28 July 1987 (age 22) Barcelona
19 Fernando Llorente 26 February 1985 (age 25) Athletic Bilbao
20 Jesús Navas 21 November 1985 (age 24) Sevilla
21 David Silva 8 January 1986 (age 24) Valencia
22 Juan Mata 28 April 1988 (age 22) Valencia
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